One ace girl...
On Monday morning a girl l met on camp last year came to stay with us. l didn't really know her before, but it was a great two days, and l really enjoyed her coming to stay.
We did a lot of walking and talking which was really kwl. We went shopping, and managed to pick up some great bargains in Chester. We went to go and see stormbreaker. We did load of kwl stuff:D
i am packing for nearly 4 weeks holiday (which isn't fun, when you don't have enough clothes). On Monday morning we are leaving for Aber conference, till Saturday, then l am going straight to camp, then on the next Saturday l am going to Becky Grubbs, till Thursday, coming back for 2 days, then going off on a family holiday for a week. So l won't be blogging much:S
We did a lot of walking and talking which was really kwl. We went shopping, and managed to pick up some great bargains in Chester. We went to go and see stormbreaker. We did load of kwl stuff:D
i am packing for nearly 4 weeks holiday (which isn't fun, when you don't have enough clothes). On Monday morning we are leaving for Aber conference, till Saturday, then l am going straight to camp, then on the next Saturday l am going to Becky Grubbs, till Thursday, coming back for 2 days, then going off on a family holiday for a week. So l won't be blogging much:S
At 17 August, 2006,
Absoblogginlutely! said…
have a great time on all your travels!!
I sure miss you!
At 08 September, 2006,
Absoblogginlutely! said…
are you back yet???
Even though this has Andy's pic on it, it's really from me! :) Kristen
At 09 September, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
yeah, i'm back now:D i have had sooo many holidays this summmer tho:O its been holiday after holiday after holiday:D
At 25 September, 2006,
Anonymous said…
oooh yeh how was aber? don't think i ever asked you!! was it good?
At 26 September, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
yeah, but i was a billy all week:'(
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