A funny book...

I recently borrowed a book from my friend, called The World's Stupidest Laws. As i started to read it, myself and 2 friends were reduced to giggling. And one of them was a boy:O and boys don't giggle:P It is a very funny book, but dodgy in places.
I thought i would give you some of the funniest ( in my opinion) laws that i could find.
Stupid laws from England
Beds must not be hung out of windows.
It is against the law to eat mince pies on 25 December.
It is not legal for a member of parliament to ebter the House of Commons wearing a full suit of armory.
All engishmen over 14 years old are ment to carry out about 2 hours of longbow practice a week under the supervision of the local clergy.
London city law - You are acknowlegded as a freeman if you can drive your geese down Cheapside.
Greece - if a man is caught kissing a women in public, the death penatly may be enforced.
Australia - By law, taxicabs must carry a bale of hay in the boot.
China - It is against the law to save a drowning person, as such an act would interfere with his or her fate.
North America
New Brunswick procincal law - Driving on roads is prohibited.
Los angeles - A man is entitled to beat his wife with a leather belt or strap, but the belt can't be wider than two inches, unless he has his wife's consent to beat her with a wider strap.
Illinois - galesburg - There is a $1000 fine imposed for beating rats with basketball bats.
Illinois - joliet - A women can get arrested for trying on more than 6 dresses in one store.
South Dakota - spearfish - If three or more Native American Indians are walking down the street together, they can be considred a war party and shot at.
The list goes on...
But my personal favorite...
England - Chester - A welsh person may be shot with a bow and arrow as long as the event occurs within the city walls and after midnight.
All the welsh people i know... be careful...:P
At 12 September, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Sure glad I don't live in Illinois!
At 12 September, 2006,
Absoblogginlutely! said…
oops - I hung a bed out of a window once - it was too big to fit down the stairs....actually come to think of it, I've done it twice - shoot me now!
At 13 September, 2006,
Tim said…
I think I shall be more carefull who I kiss when in Greece from now on. Also I guess being tequnicly Welsh I had better watch out next time I go cycling in Chester.
Nice book.. Can I come over to your house and read it some time, or is it going back from whence it was borrowed soon?
At 13 September, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
it has gone back to the mellish household already
At 14 September, 2006,
Anonymous said…
good afternoon my dear - highly amusing and interlectual, I must say! I think that not driving on roads is funny, as is not being allowed to save a drowning person. Well, I should probably update mine now, but I can't put pictures on at the moment, so there doesn't seem much point!
love and sunshine, me xxxxx
ps - see you next-next Friday!!!
At 14 September, 2006,
Anonymous said…
hehe, did u know that by law french radio stations have to play at least 80% french music between 8am and 8pm everyday?!
At 15 September, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
So what's everyones favourite law?
At 19 September, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Los angeles - A man is entitled to beat his wife with a leather belt or strap, but the belt can't be wider than two inches, unless he has his wife's consent to beat her with a wider strap.
Like, who is going to say that they want their husband to beat them anyway?!?!
At 19 September, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
a VERY submissive wife...:P
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