Inner beauty <3
I was reading a book t'other day, and i was a bit tired, and i was kinda falling slowly to sleep, but then i read a sentence which woke me up. The book was on the fruits of the Spirit, and i can't find the quote again, so you will have to have the abigail mackenzie version i'm afraid, here's what i think it said...
' A lot of girls spends hours in front of the mirror, but do they ever spends hours instead of trying changing their appearance, trying to change and better the person they are.'
This (as i have said before) really struck me. Girls can spend a ridiculous amount of time in front of the mirror, putting make-up, moaning about spots that no one can see, straightening their hair etc. Every teenager knows what i mean, being in the same situation, or having a sister like this.
But do we ever really try to change ourselves? we are so caught up with what we look like, we forget that 'beauty is fleeting' and i hate this cliche but here we go 'its whats inside that counts'. after all 'a women who fears the Lord is to be praised' girls should be seeking to be women who fear the lord, not the girl that all the lads fancy. and guys you should be looking for a guy that fears the Lord, nots who's hot....that's an optional bonus =P
but don't we so often get our priorities mixed up? A girl would be horrified at the idea of going out with no make up on, even to church (!) but it would be fine to walk out the door, having no quiet time with God all day. That is so wrong! And i have made that mistake ( bar the make-up bit =P ). but i have just realised i have gone slightly of topic...
yeah, i challenge all the girls reading this to stick that sentence up by your mirror. your looks are going to go, sorry but that's what happens. but your personality will be with you all your life, and these teenage years are so critical at forming habits, good or bad ( read Bex's blog ).
But hang on a sec, are boys ever like this? unfortunately the decline in masculinity would have to make me answer in the affirmative I'm afraid, but that is a whole new topic that i usually get thrown a cushion if i mention it.
So next time you look in the mirror, think about how much you are trying to change your 'inner beauty'...
' A lot of girls spends hours in front of the mirror, but do they ever spends hours instead of trying changing their appearance, trying to change and better the person they are.'
This (as i have said before) really struck me. Girls can spend a ridiculous amount of time in front of the mirror, putting make-up, moaning about spots that no one can see, straightening their hair etc. Every teenager knows what i mean, being in the same situation, or having a sister like this.
But do we ever really try to change ourselves? we are so caught up with what we look like, we forget that 'beauty is fleeting' and i hate this cliche but here we go 'its whats inside that counts'. after all 'a women who fears the Lord is to be praised' girls should be seeking to be women who fear the lord, not the girl that all the lads fancy. and guys you should be looking for a guy that fears the Lord, nots who's hot....that's an optional bonus =P
but don't we so often get our priorities mixed up? A girl would be horrified at the idea of going out with no make up on, even to church (!) but it would be fine to walk out the door, having no quiet time with God all day. That is so wrong! And i have made that mistake ( bar the make-up bit =P ). but i have just realised i have gone slightly of topic...
yeah, i challenge all the girls reading this to stick that sentence up by your mirror. your looks are going to go, sorry but that's what happens. but your personality will be with you all your life, and these teenage years are so critical at forming habits, good or bad ( read Bex's blog ).
But hang on a sec, are boys ever like this? unfortunately the decline in masculinity would have to make me answer in the affirmative I'm afraid, but that is a whole new topic that i usually get thrown a cushion if i mention it.
So next time you look in the mirror, think about how much you are trying to change your 'inner beauty'...
At 15 October, 2007,
Becca said…
wow, that is really good abi....just what so many of us need to hear!! you're completely right about how girls cant cope without having their makeup on but dont give a thought to their inner beauty. xxxx
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