isn't it strange that one day you feel so close to God, and then the next that you are so far away?
'My love is oft times low,
my joy still ebbs and lows,
but peace with God remains the same,
no change Jehovah knows.'
i'm so glad that God is the same yesterday today and forever, the same God who was soo amazingly loving and patience with the Israelites is soo amazingly loving and patience with me :) and boy how much do i need it. even when i'm centred on myself and He's not my number one, He still loves me and says come back Abi. And the more i am in step with God, the more i am amazed, bowled over why He should have EVER loved us and sent His son for us! if that doesn't seem totally amazing to you, then nothing will! A Christians cheif delight should be in God and His word, and if it isn't, then you have lost your first love. Who or what do you hide in?
'Now none but Christ can satisfy,
no other name for me,
theres peace, and life and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus found in Thee'
'on Christ the solid rock rock i stand,
so stay on the rock =]
'My love is oft times low,
my joy still ebbs and lows,
but peace with God remains the same,
no change Jehovah knows.'
i'm so glad that God is the same yesterday today and forever, the same God who was soo amazingly loving and patience with the Israelites is soo amazingly loving and patience with me :) and boy how much do i need it. even when i'm centred on myself and He's not my number one, He still loves me and says come back Abi. And the more i am in step with God, the more i am amazed, bowled over why He should have EVER loved us and sent His son for us! if that doesn't seem totally amazing to you, then nothing will! A Christians cheif delight should be in God and His word, and if it isn't, then you have lost your first love. Who or what do you hide in?
'Now none but Christ can satisfy,
no other name for me,
theres peace, and life and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus found in Thee'
'on Christ the solid rock rock i stand,
so stay on the rock =]
At 02 April, 2007,
Becca said…
Yah, good post Abi, i'm likin it. Btw what happened to my letter?xxxxxxxxx
At 03 April, 2007,
Anonymous said…
sorry.canoeing and camping.working.yp camping.more working.
At 03 April, 2007,
Becca said…
that is pathetic abi......only teasing. wake up abi, u aren't the only busy person on the schedule is easily as hectic as yours. do u have the nickleback song 'if everyone cared'? if u do could you include it on the cd?
At 04 April, 2007,
Anonymous said…
yeah i know. i'm stressed at myself and nearly everyone else :(
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