My lovely brothers....

Thinking about my brothers recently has made me realise how much i actually love them. They were really sweet to me until i was about 6 and then they must have decided that i was spoilt, so they proceeded to beat it out of me. i used to tell mum and all she would say was 'ignore them and they won't' which of course is a load of rubbish, because of course they still did, but they were doing it for good reasons. :P and in the end i would give up and fight back. i would always get beaten of course, but i would get used to it, which makes me a good loser... i hope. yeah so they have been going through i am the best person that ever existed, which most boys go through, but they are lovely in spite of this...
Jon and Josh...
At 23 January, 2007,
Jon said…
Where did you get that picture from?
At 24 January, 2007,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
ermm it was from our holiday in hay-on-wye and i found it and messed it up a bit :P
At 24 January, 2007,
Anonymous said…
That's not Josh! It's a random chav you stumbled across in the street.
At 24 January, 2007,
Tim said…
Ahh I'm glad to see Josh can also pull of being a chav... (see previous blog posts)
I have known of lots of people nicking shopping trollies to throw into the brook in Connah's Quay (or Shotton infact, depnding of course on which side of the brook you are on). It only costs a pownd a throw, and if you have a good hack saw it's free! But I've never know some one use a trolly to decorate an organ. I must ask, who's idea was it to use a shopping trolly in this way? And what shop does one raid to steel such a trolly?
I'm not saying that you your self stole this but as a good Deesider I know there is only one way to aquire a good shopping trolly that one can be truly proud of. I say this because as all a true Deesiders know only stolen shopping trollies are worth any street cred, and the correct way to steel a ASDA shopping trolly is to carry it above ones head till out of the car park, so lifting it above the range of the radio strips placed around the exits to the store. By doing so you will avoid activating the automatic brake which makes the trolly usless to push home. I've tried many times though I must say due to sudden pangs or consience I have never taken a trolly beond the gate, and have instead always retured it to it's gate.
In the play grounds of Deeside social status is not about how cool your bike is, how much it cost, but it is how big is your ASDA shopping trolly? If you have a Somefield moddle you just shut up. However if you had a Cool Trader that's worth a fortune, though the smallest of them all! you have the nick them from inside the store, it's almost imposible (you check out your chances at such things as a Deesider), they are the only shop I know of to let you use a trolly inside but not push it to your car, you have to empty your trolly and retreave you pound coin inside the store!
Sorry I got rather side tracked from my subject, there...
At 26 January, 2007,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
i do not hug random chavs of the street anonymous !!!
At 01 February, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Josh looks happy to be hugged!
coralie xx
At 02 February, 2007,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
he's such a loving brother...
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