yeah, as the title suggests i am uninspired, because i don't have anything to write about, or i can't be bothered. Life is crazy at the mo, and i seem to be doing more and more, but its all good, it keeps me out of mischievous...well...sometimes. The main thing is that i am getting baptised next Sunday ( the 3rd). I'm really excited about that, but i still have to touch up my testimony and read several short books before next Sunday. But i will tell you about my day's at the stables.
7-8 Up bright and early, dressed, make my much, feeding guinea pigs, feeding myself and set off for the stables
8-10 Arrive at the yard, catch horses, groom, tack up, and sort the indoor out.
10-4 The lessons. 1/2 an hour each. usually i will work every other one, and on my breaks i sit in the tack room, with whoever is on a break, chat and eat. When i work, i will go round with generally a small person, from 5 - X. I hold the horse as they go round, chat to the small person, usually telling them what to do, and why they have to do it. The little ones are ace to talk to. And one of my breaks i ride.
4-5 Untack, groom, sort the hay out, and send the horses off to where ever they go either the indoor or the fields.
I have been doing this job for bout 5 years now, and in June i started to get paid a tenner each week, which although its only 1 10 an hour, i won't be able to get a job any where else, until I'm 16. So i stay. Its a right laf sometimes, but sometimes the girls get hyper, and when they are hyper they are extremely rude. They are alright tho, and they are funny, but i don't quite get accepted because i don't slag everyone off behind their backs (which is what everyone does, its horrible) and i don't swear and i don't talk about gross stuff.
So yeah.
and i managed to do a whole post without smileys aswell...things are looking up.
7-8 Up bright and early, dressed, make my much, feeding guinea pigs, feeding myself and set off for the stables
8-10 Arrive at the yard, catch horses, groom, tack up, and sort the indoor out.
10-4 The lessons. 1/2 an hour each. usually i will work every other one, and on my breaks i sit in the tack room, with whoever is on a break, chat and eat. When i work, i will go round with generally a small person, from 5 - X. I hold the horse as they go round, chat to the small person, usually telling them what to do, and why they have to do it. The little ones are ace to talk to. And one of my breaks i ride.
4-5 Untack, groom, sort the hay out, and send the horses off to where ever they go either the indoor or the fields.
I have been doing this job for bout 5 years now, and in June i started to get paid a tenner each week, which although its only 1 10 an hour, i won't be able to get a job any where else, until I'm 16. So i stay. Its a right laf sometimes, but sometimes the girls get hyper, and when they are hyper they are extremely rude. They are alright tho, and they are funny, but i don't quite get accepted because i don't slag everyone off behind their backs (which is what everyone does, its horrible) and i don't swear and i don't talk about gross stuff.
So yeah.
and i managed to do a whole post without smileys aswell...things are looking up.
At 27 November, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
but were u being sarcastic??
At 27 November, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
i think u were being sarcastic, only bex says stuff like that to me :P
At 29 November, 2006,
Tim said…
At 30 November, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
Well, Si said on his blog...
Anyway i shouldn't boast too much as i will never be as clever as abi as she is amazing in every way and no one can match her not even me.
and he was being sarcastic...:(
only bex says stuff like that to me :)
At 30 November, 2006,
Tim said…
Ahh I see...
Well at least Bex says stuff like that to you, she doesn't tell me nice things like that she just tells me about train times to Crewe.
Yesterday i chatted to at least three people about getting the train to Crewe at different times on MNS, it was sort of odd. Everyone is going there I think
At 02 December, 2006,
Anonymous said…
U were talking about train time tim, u even told me the price of my train, which was wrong by the way, my ticket only cost 5:20
At 04 December, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
everyone is migrating to crewe!!!! peoples of the world... UNITE!!
At 12 December, 2006,
AbiKateMackenzie x said…
they would if they were chavs...Tim's a chav! and Bex, and Fran... don't worry, they aren't my friends :P
At 15 December, 2006,
Tim said…
So what if I tryed chav for fun... it just shows, I can pull of any style...
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