Saturday, February 10, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
John Newton
Yes, they are insane...

Naomi and Lucy.
What can i say? i have been asked (forced) to do a small (large) blog post to say how much i like (love) them to pieces. Well, i do not have the energy or the enthusiasm to do a large blog post, and i don't know how much i can say about them anyway. so here we go...
Well, i have known Lucy for about hummm 7-8 years now, but we haven't been friends until about a year ago. when we were little we used to play loads together tho! lol. and Naomi i have know for about 5-6 years now. They are both nice, insane, and can be very annoying, if they decide you fancy someone. i mean crying out loud, they tell everyone! they actually do as well. and they find stuff out from the unlikeliest people. ahh well, i guess its good to be teased, because it builds character :P Its very fun to teach them words, i mean, big words are soo cool, so if i learn a new one, i will tell Lucy and (hopefully) she will still remember it :) i'm such a good influence (eh Coralie?:P)
So the story i have promised to tell everyone is at yp and few weeks ago we all had to spilt off into groups of about 3 or 4 . Well Naomi and Lucy said we want to go with someone clever , and Chloe said i don't want to go with them! which was quite nasty, but anyway, they have got this stupid idea into their heads that i am clever, so i said i would go with them and we had to study 2 Church's in Revelation. Everyone else was finished dead quick and talking, and we were still writing and talking, and basically we thought we had done rubbish, but at the end of out lil presentation Andrew said, well i don't think there is anything i can add to that!! unlike everyone else's, so there we go, go us!
and at yp last Friday we had to make up a song with some bizarre words, this was Naomi, Annie, Chloe, Jess, Sarah, Freya Katie, and me, ( not Lucy coz she didn't come, coz there were no boys there:P) and this is out amazing song...
To the tune of under the sea...
The ninja is always crazy
when he is high on caffeine
he learnt to fight on web cam
and lives in a submarine
(to the tune of we all live in a yellow submarine)
We all live in a floating submarine x3
in the land where Bob was born
there lived an angel who skates on ice
she was cool and very smart
but the spiders ate her heart
We all live in a floating submarine x3
And now she is missing...
Under the sea !!! under the sea, darling its better down where it is wetter under the sea, up on the shore they work all day, under the sun they slave away duh duh duh duh UNDER THE SEA!!