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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The World vs The Bible

((o= the world and x= the bible))
o~Beauty is external and physical.
x~ Beauty is internal, spiritual and physical
o~The spirit is temporary and the body is permanent.
x~ The body is temporary and the spirit is eternal.
o~Your body is all that matters
x~It’s what’s inside that counts
o~You are a product of evolution.
x~You are created by God.
o~Your body belongs to you.
x~Your body is not yours, and it’s the temple of the Holy Spirit.
o~Dress the please the world and reflect your glory. x~
x~Dress to please God and reflect His glory.
o~The purpose of clothing is to show off your body.
x~The purpose of clothing is to cover and conceal your body.
o~“If you’ve got it, flaunt it!”
x~Be modest.
o~Highlight and draw attention to the body, the skin, and private parts.
x~Draw attention to the heart, soul, spirit and mind.
o~You are loved by no-one unless you are beautiful.
x~You are perfectly loved by God. Designed to be beautiful for His glory.
o~The body has no worth. You can trash it or ignore it.
x~Your body isn’t yours. Look after it.
o~Your body is to unnerve and embarrass other people and to make them feel bad about themselves.
x~Use your body to protect, edify and strengthen others.
o~Give your body freely to others.
x~Keep your body for only one man/women.
o~What you wear is “just external”.
x~What you wear reflects your heart.

This was a sheet that was handed out during a modesty talk at our yp. i quite like it...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Monday, September 03, 2007

i dressed a lamb...

obviously had a face mask =D

...bbfl... <3

tho some people had to run didnt they! ((poser)))

and we went for a....


we bivvyed out and had a...

and some people found slugs on their faces in the morning...

then i went to gamesley fold farm...

there were some ace girlies....


and the real macho men...*cough*

and we had fake 'macho' guys...

and a lot of eating went on...

Apart from some young ladies that felt they should abstain from calorie high food because of there nasty brothers =P

and of course a match maker...

she is ace!

there were of course some exclusive realtionships...

pinky poo!!

What did we do??

Stupid things like jumping into freezing water!

Who were my friends on camp??

The Grubbs =D

Where have i been??

CCIW camp 2 07 =D

best camp yet...