Some stories

My brother Josh is a very interesting character, and yesterday, he came into my bedroom and read to me some of the stories he wrote when he was little. Here are 3 of them. He was a very bizarre little boy.
The Knight Who Wanted Some Spurs
Once upon a time there was a knight. And he wanted some spurs. He really wanted some spurs. He really wanted spurs. He travelled all over England he saw other knights had shining spurs, so he asked one knight. The knight said he got them from London. So the knight went to London.
In 1939 i was ready to drive the tank. My mates were Dan and Tim Harman. Then we went to fight. I was on the tank gun. Tim was driving. And Dan had the hatch. I was doing my best. I had already shot 5 German tanks. Dan shut the hatch quickly we had just dodged a shot from a Leopard 2. I swung the gun round and shot an infantry man. In 1945 we came back aching with sores. At least we won the war.
A long time ago in a rain forest there was a leopard he was a very hungry leopard so hungry he could eat an elephant. So he looked very hard just then he saw water going up down up down he ran in the direction then he saw an elephant he ponced on the elephant and eat it.